Willys, o Jeep!

“The Jeep, the Dakota airplane, and the landing craft were the three tools that won the war.”

General Dwight Eisenhower and future president
Meu Willys 1948 teste

Ano: 1948

Preço: 1,00

Kilometragem: 1 km

Combustível: Gasolina

Transação de ...: Vender

“Jeep was America’s greatest contribution to modern warfare.”

General George C. Marshall

“Jeep was the only American sports car”

Enzo Ferrari the founder of the company
  MEU 4X4

Roger Oliveira Lopes em 20/Jun/2003
Curitiba | PR | Brazil

Ford CJ5 1963

Esta é minha relíquia! O veículo foi adquirido em 1963 pela Concessonária Ford Olsen, junto a Concesionária da Willys, denominada Transparaná (plaqueta no porta luvas).



“Good Lord, I don’t think we could continue the war without the jeep. It does everything. It goes everywhere. It’s as faithful as a dog, strong as a mule, and as agile as a goat. It constantly carries twice what it was designed for, and keeps on going. It doesn’t even ride so badly after you get used to it.”

Ernie Pyle Army official correspondent